Sunday, December 4, 2011


An article For Effective Antibacterial Protection Against MRSA New Study Recommends Medicated Soap, talked about a study in the Journal of Athletic Training that has found soaps medicated with chlorhexidine gluconate might be able to stop the spread of this dangerous disease. These soaps have been used in athletic training rooms, but this study really solidifies the fact that soaps with a concentration of 4% CHG works more effectively at slowing the spread of MRSA comprated to non-medicated soaps. Twenty healthy people were tested using the medicated soap and the non-medicated soap and exposed to MRSA on the forearm, 2 or 4 hours post wash. The CHG soap provided more protection over a longer period of time than the non-medicated soap. This study also mentions that along with using medicated soap, there must be a proper diagnosis and treatment of MRSA in order for the best prognosis for the athlete.
This is especially important for athletic trainers involved in contact sports for athletes. It is important for sports like wrestling to have access to medicated soap so that the spread of MRSA can be prevented. MRSA is very dangerous and anything that can be done to prevent a person from going through dealing with the disease, is something thats a priority.

1 comment:

  1. I'm nervous that the MRSA strain will just end up being stronger due to this soap! Cleaning the skin regularly with soap and hot water should be enough to discourage the spread--along with proper wound care and maintenance of hot and cold whirlpools, showers, jerseys, and equipment. I feel like the root of the problem with MRSA is not that athletes are using the wrong soap--it's more that they don't always shower before getting in the whirlpool, don't take good care of wounds, and may not always keep the cleanest lockers or sports uniforms.
