About Me

Hi I am Jeanine Connolly and I am a graduate student in the Athletic Training program at Bridgewater State University. This will tell you a little but more about me. So to begin with I live the farthest away in my entire class from BSU. I live all the way over in the next town of West Bridgewater. A little advice, they are not the same and people from WB get a little testy when you think they are the same town... haha. Anyways, I have lived there my whole life. Here a picture of me from my yearbook in 7th grade.

Now I have been involved with sports since the age of 3, whether it be soccer, basketball, or field hockey. However, the sport that I was really passionate about was softball. I played year round for 10 years from the time that I was 13. During this time as a softball player, I experienced many injuries including concussion, lateral epicondylitis, lacerations, and much more. I have realized early on how injuries can affect performance and how concussions can affect life in general.

I went to the University of Vermont for school and played softball there. My freshman year, during fall ball, I suffered a concussion that kept me on the sidelined for 4 months. The problem that I encountered was pushing myself back into the sport too soon and suffering post-concussion syndrome that still affects me to this day. I like all the new information coming out recently about concussions and RTP protocols because the information was not as prevalent then.

During my years at UVM, I was on the Physical Therapy track, but as my senior year came about, I found myself more and more interested in Athletic Training. This feeling was amplified when I completed my observation hours for the Physical Therapy program application and realized that it did not spark my interest as much as it once had. I started to talk to my athletic trainer senior year and realized that it would encompass the things I liked about physical therapy as well as a population willing to work and learn new things. She now takes credit for turning me to athletic training.

And here I am.