Sunday, November 20, 2011

App for a Concussion

I saw something very interesting this past week. My ACI at Bridgewater recently got an iPad and he pulled us aside before the football game on Saturday. He pulled out the iPad and told us to use this application he recently purchased to diagnose a concussion. It was very interesting and took you step by step through questions about symtoms as well as cognitive questions to diagnose a concussion. At the end of the session, it is logged with the date and time.
I happen to type in iPad app and caught an article titled Cleveland Clinic Hopes New iPad App Helps Diagnose Concussions that spoke about a new app called Cleveland Clinic Concussion Assessment System. This pulls together all of the tests used to test for a concussion including memory, balance, and overall cognitive function. The app is supposed to not only help athletic trainer's diagnose concussions, but be a tool such as the imPact test is for pre-concussion comparison. When I researched more about this new appm which is still in testing, I found that these apps utilize the motion detecters (unsure what they are called) to measure balance as well in the athlete. It will be strapped on and can conduct a test on the quality of the athlete's balance.
This is a great application that will help many athletic trainer's disgnose concussions and keep athletes safe. This gives specific questions and directions that can help new and experienced athletic trainers conduct a thourough exam of an athlete.
At the same time, this app must be used as a tool for concussions. The important thing to remember is that the athletic trainermust be able to use their own observations and knowledge as well as the application. The player might not be telling the truth and it is important not just to rely on the answers the athlete gives an athletic trainer.

What do you think?

Cleveland Clinic


  1. This is a really interesting use of technology to facilitate/enhance the care that we as athletic trainers will be able to deliver. I had heard of using an iphone/ipad for the questionnaire part of a concussion assessment, but it is really cool that they are incorporating the motion detecting technology to assess balance. You make a great point about using judgement also. It would be easy to fall into the trap of inputting data and watching it spit out a diagnosis, but as we know about concussions, they are difficult to diagnose and require strong clinical reasoning.

  2. I also find this application very interesting. It is funny how "there is an app for everything now" I agree with Lloyd in that concussions are an issue that are very unique with every individual therefore I can see how using an app may be beneficial to some but not all. But who knows, sometime in the future there will be an app for just about everything athletic training. Technology may mean - job security for AT's :(
