My Philosophy

My philosophy as an athletic trainer is going to be getting an athlete back to playing shape and preventing that athlete from returning for the same issue a couple of weeks later. It is not about rehabilitation of the body part that is injured, but also finding out why that body part was injured and fix that as well. If the athlete has a postural problem that led to an IT band issue, both should be focused on. It is important to look at the body as being all connected and not just treating the immediate area to an injury.
Treatments should also include tailoring to each individual athlete. A return to play protocol should be modified for each individual person's weaknesses and strengths. The "cookbook" method of the same protocols for each athlete should be avoided.
Finally, the emotional and mental health of an athlete can be just as important as their physical health. When treating an injured athlete the athlete might grieve, leading to denial, bargaining, and so forth. It is important to show empathy to the athlete and show them why coming to the athletic training room and getting treatment is important. My goal is to make sure I always listen and help, as much as I can, with the athlete's emotional and mental issues regarding their injury. It is important to show that I care about their health and want them to return to play as much as they do.